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Opulence Bouquet
Opulence Bouquet
Opulence Bouquet
Opulence Bouquet
Opulence Bouquet
Opulence Bouquet

Opulence Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bouquet of luxurious deep red roses, exuding romance and sophistication. This striking arrangement reflects the timeless elegance of Claridge’s, often chosen for intimate celebrations or lavish events, adding a touch of refinement to the hotel’s exquisite ambiance and special occasions. Image shows three dozen size.

Opulence Bouquet
Size Guide

A classic hand-tied bouquet of luxurious deep red roses, exuding romance and sophistication. This striking arrangement reflects the timeless elegance of Claridge’s, often chosen for intimate celebrations or lavish events, adding a touch of refinement to the hotel’s exquisite ambiance and special occasions. Image shows three dozen size.

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