Eloise Bouquet
A striking medley of the season’s most exquisite blooms, this bouquet is a celebration of colour and texture. Velvety roses in shades of soft peach and deep pink blend harmoniously with lush ranunculus and delicate tulips, creating a rich, layered arrangement. Anemones add depth with their captivating petals, while berried eucalyptus lends a natural, organic touch. Thoughtfully composed, this bouquet is perfect for adding warmth and beauty to any setting, whether as a heartfelt gift or a statement piece in the home.
Please note we require 24 hours notice for the Eloise Bouquet.
A striking medley of the season’s most exquisite blooms, this bouquet is a celebration of colour and texture. Velvety roses in shades of soft peach and deep pink blend harmoniously with lush ranunculus and delicate tulips, creating a rich, layered arrangement. Anemones add depth with their captivating petals, while berried eucalyptus lends a natural, organic touch. Thoughtfully composed, this bouquet is perfect for adding warmth and beauty to any setting, whether as a heartfelt gift or a statement piece in the home.
Please note we require 24 hours notice for the Eloise Bouquet.
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Eloise Bouquet