Beatrice Bouquet
The Beatrice bouquet is a charming table posy of mixed pastel roses, delicately accented with seasonal flowers and foliage, creating an elegant, timeless look. Should a flower be unavailable, our skilled florists will carefully choose a comparable alternative to maintain the bouquet's beauty and balance. Presented in a handmade recycled glass vase, the bouquet comes wrapped in a gift bag with tissue—perfectly prepared to take home or give as a thoughtful, sophisticated gift. Available for hotel collection only.
The Beatrice bouquet is a charming table posy of mixed pastel roses, delicately accented with seasonal flowers and foliage, creating an elegant, timeless look. Should a flower be unavailable, our skilled florists will carefully choose a comparable alternative to maintain the bouquet's beauty and balance. Presented in a handmade recycled glass vase, the bouquet comes wrapped in a gift bag with tissue—perfectly prepared to take home or give as a thoughtful, sophisticated gift. Available for hotel collection only.
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Beatrice Bouquet